This paper analyzes the labor shifting phenomenon in Indonesian labor market. Labor shifting phenomenon in developing countries, including Indonesia, is considered to be the reason of stable movement from the supply perspective. By using Sakernas data year 1998-2008, this paper analyzes the labor shifting phenomenon, both the direction of labor movement and the characteristics of the shifting labor.
The main conclusions obtained in this research are, first, there is no structural break in Indonesian labor market. Second, although most of labors tend to remain in the same sector or intra-sector, the analysis shows there is tendency for the labor to move from non formal sectors especially to Agricultural and Trade sectors. Third, the model estimation result with a series of controlled category shows the biggest three probability of not shifting and remaining in the same sectors are in Electricity sector (70,15%), Financial sector (55,8%) and Mining sector (53,13%). On the other side, the biggest labor mobility opportunity to conduct shifting is on Industry sector (80.14%), Construction sector (64.3%), and Transportation sector (62.4%).
JEL classification: J23, J62, J64
Keywords: Demand for Labor, Job Mobility, Labor shifting, Unemployment
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