• Solikin M. Juhro


This preliminary study is aimed to look into characteristics of inflation and sources of shocks triggering inflation pressures in Indonesia. A focus will be directed to find a better measurement about the role of supply and demand shocks. Based on parsimonious model estimation, it can be concluded that the contribution of supply shocks predominant demand shocks ‘proportionally’, implying that a prudent monetary policy is still feasible and can be implemented effectively along with the structural efforts to combat inflation in Indonesia. A further preliminary exercise shows that the prospect of inflation pressures in two year ahead will be statistically the same with the 2006 inflation pressures. However, cautious policy response should be taken in the second year as inflation pressures from supply side will be potentially greater.

Keywords: Characteristics of inflation, supply shock, demand shock, inflation, Indonesia.

JEL Classification:  JEL Classification: E31, P24


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