• Pradipta Kumar Sahoo Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
  • Badri Narayan Rath Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
  • Viet Le Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Keywords: Competitiveness, ICI index, Labor-intensive, Capital-intensive


This study measures the competitiveness of Indian manufacturing industries by covering 650 firms from 11 industries using the composite index approach. Firms are classified into two broad groups based on labor-capital intensity and ownership. The study found that capital-intensive industries are more competitive than labor-intensive industries. With regards to ownership of firms, the study finds that foreign-owned firms are more competitive than domestic firms. The study also divides the sample into two sub-periods based on India’s Competition Act 2002. The results reveal that competitiveness has slightly increased after the implementation of the Act.


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