Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2019), pp. 395 - 408
Nicholas Apergis1
1University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece. Email: napergis@unipi.gr
This study explores, for the first time, how financial vulnerability affects income inequality across OECD countries, from 1990 to 2015. The empirics use a new financial vulnerability index constructed byAdrian and Duarte (2016). Through the methodology of their modeling approach, panel GARCH and GMM methods, the findings indicate that financial vulnerability exerts a negative impact on income equality conditions. The results survive certain definitions of income inequality and corruption, while they highlight the importance of financial stability conditions, with potential further repercussions to the real economy.
Keywords: Financial vulnerability; Income inequality; Panel country data.
JEL Classification: G20; D31; C33.
Article history: |
Received |
: June 1, 2018 |
Revised |
: September 10, 2018 |
Accepted |
: September 11, 2018 |
Available online : January 30, 2019
396Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
The role of financial vulnerability is relevant to GDP growth, associated with risks to asset valuations (Adrian et al., 2015). This vulnerability includes the vulnerability of financial institutions. The financial system, especially after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC), has become increasingly fragile (Liu, 2012; Tropeano, 2013). Based on the financial fragility hypothesis, Minsky (1982) argues that the intrinsic characteristics of banking institutions make firms to face bankruptcy, with a negative effect on the real economy.
Furthermore, given the wide differences of income and wealth across the globe, as well as the role of the banking sector to provide access to credit (Jalilian and Kirkpatrick, 2002; Kai and Hamori, 2009), it is imperative to explore the relationship between financial vulnerability and income inequality. Beck et al. (2004) point out that income inequality and restricted access to finance can lead to reduced growth and welfare levels, while Mallick and Sousa (2013) investigate the impact of financial stress across Eurozone countries.
Financial vulnerability can be described either as banking failures and frictions, high asset price volatility, or a shortage of market liquidity. Financial vulnerability could also disrupt a country’s payment system and, thus, to destabilize the entire economy. In other words, financial vulnerability can cause significant macroeconomic cost effects, including a deteriorating income distribution. Thus, mitigating financial vulnerabilities is essential for the macroeconomy, since these vulnerabilities cause changes in households and corporate sector’s balance sheets, having potential impacts on the distribution of financial risk in the real economy.
Based on the above discussion, this paper investigates, to the best of our knowledge for the first time, how financial vulnerability affects income inequality across OECD countries, from 1990 to 2015. The analysis makes use of the financial vulnerability index constructed by Adrian and Duarte (2016). More specifically, they construct financial vulnerability from the National Financial Conditions Index (NFCI), provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, which considers 105 financial, money, credit supply, and shadow bank indicators.
The paper is close to the strand of the literature that considers the role of the term spread in affecting the real economy. Estrella and Hardouvelis (1991) and Estrella and Mishkin (1998) show that term spreads forecast business cycles, while Gilchrist and Zakrajsek (2012),
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Annual data from
For the calculation of the financial vulnerability index, except the financial conditions measured above, we also obtain data on inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index (for the euro countries, after 2000, prices are measured by the Harmonized Price index), income, proxied by real GDP (at constant 2010 prices), and central bank interest rates are proxied by the
The remaining independent variables are: i) income per capita (PCI), ii) the enrolment ratio (ENROLL), concerning secondary level o education (% gross), iii) the Polity index (POL) from the Polity IV database (Marshall and Jaggers, 2015); it illustrates the quality of institutions (Rodrik, 1996). The index is determined is ranging from
A. Panel Unit Roots
First, we examine the unit root properties. Two
398Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
Table 1.
Panel Unit Root Tests
The table shows panel unit root tests. denotes first differences. A constant is included in the Pesaran (2007) tests. Rejection of the null hypothesis indicates stationarity in at least one country. CIPS* = truncated CIPS test. Critical values for the Pesaran (2007) test are
Variable |
Pesaran |
Pesaran |
Smith et |
Smith et |
Smith et |
Smith et |
al. |
al. LM- |
al. max- |
al. min- |
test |
test |
test |
23.15*** |
6.25*** |
Financial Vulnerability |
3.14 |
1.29 |
ΔFinancial Vulnerability |
20.42*** |
7.16*** |
Per Capita Income |
3.03 |
1.39 |
ΔPer Capita Income |
20.84*** |
6.91*** |
Enrollment Ratio |
2.91 |
1.43 |
ΔEnrollment Ratio |
21.16*** |
7.11*** |
Government Expenses |
3.01 |
1.45 |
ΔGovernment Expenses |
21.79*** |
6.44*** |
Population |
2.98 |
1.49 |
ΔPopulation |
20.74*** |
5.93*** |
Polity Index |
20.52*** |
5.41*** |
Corruption |
3.04 |
1.43 |
ΔCorruption |
20.18*** |
5.74*** |
B. GARCH Estimates for GDP Growth
Next, the analysis considers the methodology proposed by Adrian et al. (2016) who employ a GARCH model to estimate the conditional mean and variance of GDP growth:
yt = γ0 + |
(1) |
ln(σt) = δ0 + δ1 |
(2) |
where xt is the financial conditions index, and yt is the GDP growth rate. GDP depends on lagged inflation and GDP growth. The results are reported in Table 2 and they confirm those from Adrian and Duarte (2016) with estimates for the U.S.; they clearly indicate that the GDP distribution is left skewed, i.e., downside financial conditions lead to higher volatility and lower GDP growth.
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Table 2.
GARCH GDP Conditional Mean and Volatility Estimates
The table shows the GDP conditional mean and volatility estimates. Quarterly data, spanning the period
Parameter |
Coefficients |
γ0 |
1.714** |
[0.05] |
γ1 |
0.078** |
[0.05] |
γ2 |
0.036** |
[0.05] |
γ3 |
[0.03] |
δ0 |
0.254* |
[0.08] |
δ1 |
0.052** |
[0.03] |
C. GARCH Estimates for Equity Returns
Next, we use a GARCH(1, 1) model that estimates the mean and the volatility of the equity return.
Estimates for the model’s parameters are presented in Table 3. The coefficients α and β are both statistically significant. The fact that β is relatively larger than α suggests that the conditional variance is primarily affected by the values of past conditional variance than by new disturbances. Once we get these estimates, then we can estimate the mean of the premium and its corresponding volatility.
Table 3.
GARCH Results for Market Returns
The table shows the GARCH results for market returns. Figures in brackets
Parameter |
Coefficients |
μ |
1.226** |
0.05 |
ω |
0.364** |
0.03 |
α |
0.238*** |
0.00 |
β |
0.594*** |
0.00 |
LogL |
895.409 |
D. GMM Estimates of the Parameters of the Index
The next step estimates the system of equations (B1) through (B4) in Appendix B through the linear is conducted within the General Method of Moments (GMM) approach (Arellano and Bond, 1991), which explicitly considers endogeneity issues. The results are in Table 4. The estimates are expected to calculate the vulnerability index from Equation (A7) in Appendix B. Higher values of the index illustrate higher financial vulnerability.
400Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
Table 4.
GMM Estimates of the Parameters
The table shows the GMM estimates of the parameters of Equations (B1) to (B4). |
Parameter |
Coefficients |
γ |
0.831 |
ξ |
0.314 |
μx |
0.0056 |
ρx |
0.01 |
k |
0.0461 |
β |
0.98 |
E. GMM Estimates Between Income Inequality and the Financial Vulnerability Index Table 5 reports the empirical findings in relevance to the effect of the financial vulnerability index on income inequality. Column (1) reports the bivariate estimates, while column (2) reports the multivariate estimates (allowing all the other control variables to enter the regression). The findings document that financial vulnerability leads to worse income equality conditions. In economic terms, the estimates illustrate that a unit increase of the vulnerability index is associated with a seven and eight percentage points in the Gini coefficient, respectively.
The results also illustrate that income per capita leads to more income equality, while the same holds for the case of school enrolment. Similarly, higher government expenses lead to the same results, suggesting that public expenditure programs ensure greater income equality conditions (Roberts, 2003). Moreover, higher corruption scores lead to a worse income distribution, while higher measures of population worsen income equality, with findings being consistent with those by Gupta et al. (2002). An improved quality in the political regime (i.e., movements towards democracy) leads to a better income distribution. The diagnostics reject the null hypothesis of
F. Robustness Checks: Alternative Definitions of Income Inequality
For robustness purposes, columns (3) to (6) repeat the baseline estimates by making use of alternative measures of income inequality (recommended by Frank, 2014). These measures are the Atkinson inequality measure and the Theil index. These results provide empirical support to those in columns (1) and (2).
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401 |
Table 5.
GMM Estimates Between Income Inequality and Financial Vulnerability
The table shows GMM estimates of the income inequality and financial vulnerability relationship for the entire sample. AR(1) is the
Inequality Measure: |
Gini |
Atkinson |
Theil |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
Constant |
0.060*** |
0.047** |
0.064** |
0.060** |
0.056** |
0.045** |
[0.01] |
[0.05] |
[0.02] |
[0.03] |
[0.04] |
[0.04] |
ΔFinancial Vulnerability |
0.068*** |
0.079*** |
0.076*** |
0.087*** |
0.060*** |
0.068*** |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔPer Capita Income |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔPer Capita |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.01] |
ΔEnrollment Ratio |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
Polity Index |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔCorruption |
0.050*** |
0.061*** |
0.092*** |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
0.038** |
0.045*** |
0.058*** |
[0.03] |
[0.01] |
[0.00] |
ΔPopulation |
0.0492*** |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
0.024** |
[0.01] |
[0.00] |
[0.05] |
ΔGovernment Expenses |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔGovernment |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔGovernment |
[0.03] |
[0.01] |
[0.01] |
Diagnostic tests |
R2 |
0.38 |
0.56 |
0.46 |
0.62 |
0.49 |
0.60 |
AR(1) |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
AR(2) |
[0.39] |
[0.35] |
[0.50] |
[0.41] |
[0.32] |
[0.28] |
Hansen test |
[0.41] |
[0.45] |
[0.45] |
[0.51] |
[0.36] |
[0.43] |
Difference Hansen test |
[0.51] |
[0.60] |
[0.59] |
[0.58] |
[0.39] |
[0.50] |
No. of observations |
884 |
884 |
884 |
884 |
884 |
884 |
402Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
G. Robustness Checks: The Role of the
The final section explores the role of the
The analysis is repeated prior and after the 2008 event. The new results are presented in Table 6 and they note that while financial vulnerability maintains its negative effect on income equality conditions in both regimes, the impact turns out to be more extended over the second regime (after the crisis event).
Table 6.
GMM Estimates Before and After The 2008 Crisis
The table shows GMM estimates between income inequality and financial vulnerability (prior and after the 2008 crisis). AR(1) is the
Inequality Measure |
Gini |
Atkinson |
Theil |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
Prior the 2008 crisis |
Constant |
0.081*** |
0.060** |
0.075*** |
0.064** |
0.067*** |
0.054** |
[0.00] |
[0.04] |
[0.00] |
[0.02] |
[0.01] |
[0.03] |
ΔFinancial Vulnerability |
0.050** |
0.058*** |
0.056** |
0.066*** |
0.044** |
0.053** |
[0.02] |
[0.01] |
[0.02] |
[0.01] |
[0.05] |
[0.05] |
ΔPer Capita Income |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔPer Capita |
[0.01] |
[0.01] |
[0.04] |
ΔEnrollment Ratio |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
Polity Index |
[0.01] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔCorruption |
0.041** |
0.054*** |
0.081*** |
[0.03] |
[0.01] |
[0.00] |
0.033** |
0.040** |
0.051*** |
[0.05] |
[0.03] |
[0.01] |
ΔPopulation |
0.045** |
[0.02] |
[0.01] |
[0.01] |
ΔGovernment Expenses |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔGovernment |
[0.01] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
Financial Vulnerability and Income Inequality: New Evidence From OECD Countries |
403 |
Table 6.
GMM Estimates Before and After The 2008 Crisis (Continued)
Inequality Measure |
Gini |
Atkinson |
Theil |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
Diagnostic tests |
R2 |
0.34 |
0.51 |
0.44 |
0.57 |
0.46 |
0.57 |
AR(1) |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
AR(2) |
[0.35] |
[0.30] |
[0.45] |
[0.40] |
[0.29] |
[0.26] |
Hansen test |
[0.40] |
[0.39] |
[0.41] |
[0.48] |
[0.32] |
[0.35] |
Difference Hansen test |
[0.49] |
[0.55] |
[0.57] |
[0.61] |
[0.31] |
[0.47] |
No. of observations |
678 |
678 |
678 |
678 |
678 |
678 |
After the 2008 crisis |
Constant |
0.069*** |
0.051** |
0.065*** |
0.058** |
0.061**` |
0.047** |
[0.01] |
[0.05] |
[0.01] |
[0.03] |
[0.02] |
[0.05] |
ΔFinancial Vulnerability |
0.091*** |
0.104*** |
0.090*** |
0.109*** |
0.081*** |
0.103*** |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔPer Capita Income |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔPer Capita |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔEnrollment Ratio |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
Polity Index |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔCorruption |
0.052*** |
0.064*** |
0.101*** |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
0.042*** |
0.052*** |
0.064*** |
[0.01] |
[0.01] |
[0.00] |
ΔPopulation |
0.052*** |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
0.036** |
[0.01] |
[0.00] |
[0.03] |
ΔGovernment Expenses |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔGovernment |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
ΔGovernment |
[0.02] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
Diagnostic tests |
R2 |
0.38 |
0.52 |
0.44 |
0.57 |
0.51 |
0.6 |
AR(1) |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
[0.00] |
AR(2) |
[0.45] |
[0.42] |
[0.54] |
[0.45] |
[0.36] |
[0.37] |
Hansen test |
[0.46] |
[0.50] |
[0.52] |
[0.56] |
[0.39] |
[0.45] |
Difference Hansen test |
[0.53] |
[0.59] |
[0.58] |
[0.63] |
[0.44] |
[0.52] |
No. of observations |
206 |
206 |
206 |
206 |
206 |
206 |
404Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
This paper provided a study concerning the impact of financial vulnerability on income inequality. With the use of a panel of OECD countries and the methodologies of panel GARCH and GMM approaches the results documented that financial vulnerability exerted a negative impact on income inequality. The results survived alternative income inequality, while they highlighted the impact of the Global Financial Crisis by documenting that the role of financial vulnerability in the income inequality process was enhanced over the crisis regime.
Financial vulnerability adds a new
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Appendix A
List of Countries.
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, U.K., U.S.
Appendix B. |
dy = |
t |
– π |
) dt + d(erp |
) |
(B1) |
t |
t |
t |
d(erpt) = |
(B2) |
dxt = ρx (μx – xt) dt + σxdZx,t |
(B3) |
dπt = (β πt – k yt) dt |
(B4) |
y is GDP, π stands for inflation, i is the central bank interest rate, erp is the equity risk premium. The vulnerability determines the conditional mean
subject to the restrictions describes in equations
L (y; π; x) = c |
0 |
+ c |
y + c |
y2 + c |
x + c |
x2 + c |
yx + c |
π + c |
π2 + c |
yπ + c |
πx |
(B6) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
And, thus, they provide the vulnerability index:
FV = |
+ |
c |
] π |
+ |
/c |
] x |
+ |
8 |
2 |
t |
5 |
2 |
t |
(B7) |
408Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
c1 =
c2 =
c5 =
c8 = 1/k – 1/k(β +
c9 =