Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2019), pp. 405 - 422
Paresh Kumar Narayan
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Deakin Business School, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Email paresh.narayan@deakin.edu.au
Using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data of 82 Indonesian cities, we propose the hypothesis of heterogeneity in the cities’ contribution to the aggregate Indonesian CPI. Using a price discovery model fitted to monthly data, we discover that (1) of the 23 cities in the province of Sumatera, five contribute 44% and nine contribute 66.7% to price changes, and (2) of the 26 cities in Java, four alone contribute 41.6% to price changes. Even in smaller provinces, such as Bali and Nusa Tenggara, one city alone dominates the change in aggregate CPI. From these results, we draw implications for maintaining price stability.
Keywords: Consumer Price Index; Cities; Price discovery; Bank Indonesia.
JEL Classifications: E31; E37.
Article history: |
Received |
: August 10, 2019 |
Revised |
: November 12, 2019 |
Accepted |
: November 30, 2019 |
Available online : December 31, 2019
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Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 22, Number 4, 2019 |
Inflation is an important subject that dictates policymaking. Both monetary and fiscal policies are inflation dependent. Therefore, an understanding of the determinants of inflation and its relations with other macroeconomic variables has formed the basis for multiple theories and hypotheses in economics, including those of Alba and Papell (1998), Hendry (2001), Ciccarelli and Mojon (2010), Narayan, Narayan, and Mishra (2011), and Sharma (2019). In this paper, we do not engage in either of these areas of analysis; rather, we propose a question that has not been previously addressed by the literature: among multiple cities, which city (or group of cities) dominates the formation of Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation? The intuition is the following. In a large region/province/state, there are multiple cities. Given many cities, we
This paper addresses these two questions using quarterly CPI data for 82 cities from Indonesia’s six provinces. We employ a recent price discovery methodology proposed by Westerlund, Reese, and Narayan (2017; WRN hereafter). This method has several advantages. The one that motivates our hypothesis proposal and test is that, unlike other econometric methods (e.g., a vector autoregressive or vector error correction model), WRN’s method does not restrict the number of price variables that can be simultaneously modeled. This ensures that we can avoid the price variable selection bias that characterizes many empirical papers on price discovery.
Our empirical analysis leads to the following conclusions. Of Sumatera’s 23 cities, nine alone contribute 66.7% to price changes and five contribute 44%. Similarly, of the 26 cities in Java, nine contribute 65% to all price changes, with four contributing 41.6%. Even in smaller provinces, such as Bali and Nusa Tenggara, where there are only five cities, one city alone contributes around 43% to all price changes. Across all six provinces, we identify leader cities (that is, those cities that drive the bulk of the price changes). The implication of our results is that each province in Indonesia has between six and 26 cities, for a total of 82 cities. In controlling prices, given that the objective of Bank Indonesia, the central bank, is to maintain price stability,
Our contributions to the literature are threefold. First, our proposal, a hypothesis that aims to test the heterogeneity in the cities’ contribution to the aggregate CPI (which in other words identifies leader cities’) is original. This type of analysis on a search for leading cities (or a leader city) in price changes (from an inflation perspective) has not been previously considered. Our idea can therefore be tested in other countries to see if groups of cities can be identified that drive price changes. This information is important for price
Understanding Indonesia’s
Second, our work is connected to the literature (see, inter alia, Basher and Westerlund, 2008; Culver and Papell, 1997; Westelius, 2005) that tests for persistency of inflation. The idea inherent in this literature is policy based, in that, if shocks to inflation are temporary (short term), then the persistency test (typically conducted using unit root tests) will imply a stationary inflation rate. By comparison, if the inflation rate appears to be nonstationary, then shocks are likely to have a long- term effect. Finding evidence of temporary or
Our final contribution is to the
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II explains the methodology. Section III describes the data and the results. Section IV highlights our key findings and implications.
To test our hypothesis that certain cities in Indonesia contribute more to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) than others, we employ the discovery model of WRN. WRN’s model is a common factor model, of the following form:
where CPIi,t is the CPI of city i, i=1,…,82, in period t=2014M01,…,2018M04, where M01 denotes the month of January and M04 the month of April. The monthly data frequency ensures that each city has 52 data points.
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The common factor, CFt, is the aggregate (country) Indonesian CPI. The construction of Equation (1) implies that the common factor (the CPI of Indonesia) is thus applicable (or is common) to each Indonesian city. Each city’s relation to the common factor is represented by αi. Finally, Zi,t is an idiosyncratic error term. According to price discovery theory, the fundamental price (CFt) should follow a random walk and be common across cities, while the noise component (Zi,t) should be stationary and idiosyncratic. It therefore follows that α1=...= α82=1 . The idea behind Equation (1) is to discover (hence the term price discovery) which city contributes, and how much, to the movement of the aggregate CPI.
To extract the share (or contribution) of each city’s CPI to the aggregate CPI, we employ Hasbrouck’s (1995) information share (Contribution), which has been extended by WRN to a panel version (to accommodate the panel of 82 cities in our example) in the spirit of Narayan, Sharma, and Thuraisamy (2014) as follows:
where is the variance of Zi,t and is the variance of cft = CFt -
The data for this paper are taken from an earlier paper published in this journal (Jangam and Akram, 2019). The data set is monthly and spans the period from January (M01) 2014 to April (M04) 2018. It should be noted that, while Jangam and Akram (2019) use data up to August 2019, we had to truncate the sample to a common end date to remain consistent with the econometric methodology. Further details on the data are given by Jangam and Akram (2019).
Before we examine our main hypothesis, a descriptive story of the data set is in order. Table 1 reports common descriptive statistics organized by city and categorized into the six provinces. A key feature of the data is that not only do the mean and the variance of CPI inflation vary by city and by province, but also, as noted in the last column, the sample growth rate and average annual growth rate of the CPI vary vastly both among cities in a province and across provinces. Some discussion on this is warranted. In Sumatera, for instance, the annual average price growth is recorded at 4.64%, with 13 of 23 cities experiencing annual price growth in excess of 4.64%. Java has an annual average price growth rate of 4.27%, with 13 of 26 cities experiencing a rate in excess of 4.27%. In other, smaller provinces, the story is similar: in Bali, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi, three of six, five of nine, and
Understanding Indonesia’s
six of 11 cities, respectively, have growth rates in excess of their province’s annual average growth rate. When comparing CPI growth rates across cities, we also see differences:
Table 1.
Descriptive Statistics
This table reports some commonly used descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) of each city’s CPI return. The final two columns report the average annual growth rate and full sample growth rate of each city’s CPI.
CPI returns |
Region |
City |
Average |
Full |
Mean |
S.D. |
Skewness |
Kurtosis |
annual |
sample |
growth |
growth |
rate |
rate |
Sumatera |
Meulaboh |
0.310 |
0.697 |
0.834 |
5.432 |
3.746 |
17.465 |
Banda Aceh |
0.306 |
0.635 |
0.469 |
3.592 |
3.843 |
17.249 |
Lhokseumawe |
0.346 |
0.859 |
3.669 |
4.353 |
19.697 |
Sibolga |
0.431 |
1.132 |
3.383 |
5.481 |
25.102 |
Pematang Siantar |
0.372 |
0.710 |
0.563 |
4.481 |
4.817 |
21.327 |
Medan |
0.405 |
0.723 |
3.723 |
5.319 |
23.453 |
Padang Sidempuan |
0.336 |
0.712 |
0.217 |
3.478 |
4.238 |
19.105 |
Padang |
0.379 |
0.935 |
0.372 |
5.192 |
4.798 |
21.815 |
Bukit Tinggi |
0.341 |
0.825 |
4.437 |
4.077 |
19.396 |
Tembilahan |
0.389 |
0.633 |
1.160 |
5.255 |
4.015 |
22.410 |
Pekanbaru |
0.385 |
0.602 |
0.116 |
4.027 |
4.859 |
22.195 |
Dumai |
0.379 |
0.506 |
0.623 |
4.013 |
4.891 |
21.815 |
Bungo |
0.341 |
0.707 |
0.461 |
3.544 |
4.316 |
19.407 |
Jambi |
0.341 |
0.836 |
3.657 |
4.087 |
19.382 |
Palembang |
0.359 |
0.613 |
1.191 |
6.756 |
4.669 |
20.552 |
Lubuk Linggau |
0.391 |
0.762 |
0.765 |
4.680 |
4.976 |
22.569 |
Bengkulu |
0.446 |
0.838 |
0.916 |
4.696 |
5.803 |
26.104 |
Bandar Lampung |
0.384 |
0.578 |
1.049 |
6.303 |
4.963 |
22.074 |
Metro |
0.285 |
1.713 |
19.759 |
3.758 |
15.971 |
Tanjung Pandan |
0.418 |
1.248 |
0.183 |
2.820 |
4.945 |
24.304 |
Pangkal Pinang |
0.442 |
1.193 |
0.310 |
3.150 |
5.754 |
25.822 |
Batam |
0.392 |
0.677 |
0.667 |
4.156 |
5.182 |
22.641 |
Tanjung Pinang |
0.308 |
0.664 |
0.514 |
5.798 |
3.942 |
17.359 |
1We do not conduct the Narayan and Popp (2010, 2013) endogenous structural break test because it was unlikely to change the hypothesis we are proposing to test. However, we believe that doing a persistency test of CPI using the dataset we have here will constitute a separate paper. In such an endeavor, the
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Table 1.
Descriptive Statistics (Continued)
This table reports some commonly used descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) of each city’s CPI return. The final two columns report the average annual growth rate and full sample growth rate of each city’s CPI.
CPI returns |
Region |
City |
Average |
Full |
Mean |
S.D. |
Skewness |
Kurtosis |
annual |
sample |
growth |
growth |
rate |
rate |
Java |
Jakarta |
0.361 |
0.480 |
2.538 |
12.479 |
4.452 |
20.639 |
Bogor |
0.360 |
0.483 |
5.881 |
4.513 |
20.584 |
Sukabumi |
0.345 |
0.479 |
1.712 |
8.335 |
4.172 |
19.644 |
Bandung |
0.368 |
0.459 |
1.464 |
7.678 |
4.480 |
21.069 |
Cirebon |
0.303 |
0.431 |
0.720 |
4.003 |
3.605 |
17.043 |
Bekasi |
0.324 |
0.543 |
0.856 |
4.515 |
3.897 |
18.321 |
Depok |
0.316 |
0.528 |
0.871 |
4.845 |
4.024 |
17.889 |
Tasikmalaya |
0.365 |
0.458 |
1.620 |
8.883 |
4.484 |
20.893 |
Cilacap |
0.365 |
0.534 |
0.817 |
2.921 |
4.433 |
20.898 |
Purwokerto |
0.318 |
0.520 |
0.612 |
3.774 |
3.942 |
17.958 |
Kudus |
0.374 |
0.568 |
1.041 |
5.057 |
4.496 |
21.489 |
Surakarta |
0.319 |
0.545 |
0.680 |
5.492 |
3.812 |
18.072 |
Semarang |
0.343 |
0.518 |
1.038 |
6.136 |
4.166 |
19.495 |
Tegal |
0.357 |
0.499 |
0.371 |
2.746 |
4.512 |
20.399 |
Yogyakarta |
0.318 |
0.416 |
1.095 |
4.586 |
3.946 |
18.008 |
Jember |
0.307 |
0.542 |
2.089 |
8.889 |
3.800 |
17.330 |
Banyuwangi |
0.280 |
0.492 |
1.412 |
9.597 |
3.397 |
15.654 |
Sumenep |
0.318 |
0.513 |
1.456 |
8.384 |
3.995 |
17.979 |
Kediri |
0.274 |
0.526 |
1.633 |
8.250 |
3.403 |
15.289 |
Malang |
0.356 |
0.513 |
1.912 |
10.009 |
4.538 |
20.310 |
Probolinggo |
0.269 |
0.457 |
1.601 |
6.908 |
3.322 |
15.013 |
Madiun |
0.343 |
0.465 |
1.413 |
6.819 |
4.318 |
19.533 |
Surabaya |
0.374 |
0.470 |
1.650 |
7.024 |
4.657 |
21.460 |
Serang |
0.432 |
0.730 |
6.270 |
5.553 |
25.168 |
Tangerang |
0.461 |
0.901 |
0.835 |
8.141 |
5.452 |
27.070 |
Cilegon |
0.439 |
0.672 |
0.837 |
6.422 |
5.576 |
25.618 |
Bali & Nusa |
Singaraja |
0.418 |
0.763 |
0.525 |
3.797 |
5.130 |
24.303 |
Tenggara |
Denpasar |
0.353 |
0.488 |
1.161 |
4.659 |
4.134 |
20.143 |
Mataram |
0.331 |
0.584 |
0.679 |
3.999 |
4.101 |
18.786 |
Bima |
0.363 |
0.718 |
0.262 |
2.371 |
4.255 |
20.782 |
Maumere |
0.262 |
0.614 |
0.831 |
4.040 |
3.354 |
14.598 |
Kupang |
0.337 |
0.906 |
1.020 |
4.990 |
4.306 |
19.127 |
Kalimantan |
Pontianak |
0.459 |
0.833 |
0.920 |
4.000 |
5.851 |
26.982 |
Singkawang |
0.432 |
0.683 |
0.624 |
2.829 |
5.040 |
25.170 |
Sampit |
0.396 |
0.577 |
3.509 |
4.857 |
22.881 |
Palangkaraya |
0.317 |
0.552 |
0.141 |
2.367 |
3.934 |
17.936 |
Tanjung |
0.406 |
0.744 |
0.438 |
3.267 |
4.731 |
23.504 |
Banjarmasin |
0.379 |
0.461 |
0.639 |
3.037 |
5.046 |
21.807 |
Understanding Indonesia’s
Table 1.
Descriptive Statistics (Continued)
This table reports some commonly used descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) of each city’s CPI return. The final two columns report the average annual growth rate and full sample growth rate of each city’s CPI.
CPI returns |
Region |
City |
Average |
Full |
Mean |
S.D. |
Skewness |
Kurtosis |
annual |
sample |
growth |
growth |
rate |
rate |
Balikpapan |
0.396 |
0.716 |
0.681 |
2.773 |
5.062 |
22.836 |
Samarinda |
0.346 |
0.509 |
1.691 |
7.399 |
4.534 |
19.725 |
Tarakan |
0.431 |
0.678 |
1.176 |
4.763 |
5.419 |
25.108 |
Sulawesi |
Manado |
0.378 |
0.948 |
0.940 |
5.169 |
4.733 |
21.729 |
Palu |
0.372 |
0.876 |
0.223 |
3.616 |
4.584 |
21.315 |
Bulukumba |
0.372 |
0.674 |
0.534 |
4.691 |
4.269 |
21.349 |
Watampone |
0.335 |
0.643 |
0.617 |
4.497 |
3.981 |
19.052 |
Makassar |
0.420 |
0.580 |
1.186 |
5.510 |
5.371 |
24.395 |
0.310 |
0.804 |
1.373 |
7.34 |
4.109 |
17.487 |
Palopo |
0.394 |
0.665 |
1.288 |
4.889 |
4.584 |
22.726 |
Kendari |
0.29 |
0.897 |
1.415 |
6.619 |
4.296 |
16.291 |
0.364 |
1.079 |
0.269 |
2.897 |
4.765 |
20.822 |
Gorontalo |
0.303 |
0.836 |
1.641 |
9.163 |
4.395 |
17.083 |
Mamuju |
0.364 |
0.608 |
0.553 |
4.667 |
4.827 |
20.838 |
Ambon |
0.31 |
0.891 |
4.394 |
4.131 |
17.510 |
Tual |
0.517 |
1.509 |
3.045 |
8.317 |
30.837 |
Ternate |
0.374 |
0.878 |
0.264 |
4.209 |
4.554 |
21.448 |
Manokwari |
0.308 |
0.803 |
0.050 |
2.893 |
4.206 |
17.341 |
Sorong |
0.365 |
0.748 |
0.382 |
2.927 |
4.519 |
20.891 |
Merauke |
0.431 |
1.154 |
0.40 |
5.515 |
4.902 |
25.154 |
Jayapura |
0.362 |
0.996 |
1.039 |
5.831 |
4.405 |
20.688 |
When we note the volatility of the inflation rate, as depicted by the standard deviation of the price change, we again see that, within provinces, some cities experience higher volatility in price changes. The results in Table 2 show evidence of serial correlation in price changes and their persistence. We observe that the majority of the cities have price changes that are best characterized as serially correlated, suggesting that current price changes are related to future price changes. Although this is true for most cities, what is different is the magnitude of serial correlation as measured by the
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Table 2.
Persistence of Cities’ CPI Returns
This table reports the persistency of CPI returns by way of the estimated
Province/ |
City |
AR(1) |
Region |
Coef. |
Sumatera |
Meulaboh |
13.545 |
0.331 |
0.127 |
0.321 |
Banda Aceh |
53.562 |
0.000 |
0.196 |
0.144 |
Lhokseumawe |
39.303 |
0.000 |
0.199 |
0.140 |
Sibolga |
29.139 |
0.004 |
0.135 |
0.320 |
Pematang Siantar |
29.049 |
0.004 |
0.031 |
0.830 |
Medan |
16.613 |
0.165 |
0.257 |
0.068 |
Padang Sidempuan |
24.569 |
0.017 |
0.065 |
0.644 |
Padang |
19.654 |
0.074 |
0.304 |
0.026 |
Bukit Tinggi |
23.472 |
0.024 |
0.178 |
0.194 |
Tembilahan |
15.878 |
0.197 |
0.011 |
0.930 |
Pekanbaru |
10.975 |
0.531 |
0.099 |
0.488 |
Dumai |
14.992 |
0.242 |
0.284 |
0.044 |
Bungo |
24.505 |
0.017 |
0.306 |
0.027 |
Jambi |
29.688 |
0.003 |
0.135 |
0.336 |
Palembang |
25.416 |
0.013 |
0.187 |
0.183 |
Lubuk Linggau |
15.579 |
0.211 |
0.140 |
0.319 |
Bengkulu |
20.129 |
0.065 |
0.237 |
0.093 |
Bandar Lampung |
12.188 |
0.431 |
0.114 |
0.427 |
Metro |
23.688 |
0.022 |
0.000 |
Tanjung Pandan |
38.956 |
0.000 |
0.219 |
0.099 |
Pangkal Pinang |
23.991 |
0.020 |
0.418 |
Batam |
28.299 |
0.005 |
0.175 |
0.223 |
Tanjung Pinang |
26.493 |
0.009 |
0.167 |
0.234 |
Java |
Jakarta |
13.427 |
0.339 |
0.173 |
0.217 |
Bogor |
16.274 |
0.179 |
0.033 |
0.819 |
Sukabumi |
16.387 |
0.174 |
0.190 |
0.172 |
Bandung |
20.477 |
0.059 |
0.169 |
0.225 |
Cirebon |
23.456 |
0.024 |
0.256 |
0.070 |
Bekasi |
19.696 |
0.073 |
0.266 |
0.057 |
Depok |
22.656 |
0.031 |
0.219 |
0.123 |
Tasikmalaya |
21.434 |
0.044 |
0.125 |
0.379 |
Cilacap |
38.837 |
0.000 |
0.235 |
0.097 |
Purwokerto |
39.571 |
0.000 |
0.218 |
0.121 |
Kudus |
16.963 |
0.151 |
0.123 |
0.364 |
Surakarta |
26.828 |
0.008 |
0.245 |
0.076 |
Semarang |
23.584 |
0.023 |
0.163 |
0.248 |
Tegal |
31.764 |
0.002 |
0.174 |
0.221 |
Yogyakarta |
38.833 |
0.000 |
0.206 |
0.135 |
Jember |
18.906 |
0.091 |
0.252 |
0.065 |
Banyuwangi |
26.382 |
0.01 |
0.307 |
0.028 |
Sumenep |
28.445 |
0.005 |
0.261 |
0.063 |
Understanding Indonesia’s
Table 2.
Persistence of Cities’ CPI Returns (Continued)
This table reports the persistency of CPI returns by way of the estimated
Province/ |
City |
AR(1) |
Region |
Coef. |
Kediri |
13.430 |
0.339 |
0.189 |
0.168 |
Malang |
21.849 |
0.039 |
0.267 |
0.057 |
Probolinggo |
30.623 |
0.002 |
0.221 |
0.111 |
Madiun |
18.236 |
0.109 |
0.266 |
0.056 |
Surabaya |
26.950 |
0.008 |
0.263 |
0.055 |
Serang |
17.815 |
0.121 |
0.248 |
0.076 |
Tangerang |
13.110 |
0.361 |
0.491 |
Cilegon |
16.035 |
0.190 |
0.304 |
0.028 |
Bali & Nusa |
Singaraja |
10.506 |
0.572 |
0.137 |
0.339 |
Tenggara |
Denpasar |
27.476 |
0.007 |
0.365 |
0.006 |
Mataram |
46.085 |
0.000 |
0.269 |
0.047 |
Bima |
33.367 |
0.001 |
0.015 |
0.916 |
Maumere |
9.4810 |
0.661 |
0.063 |
0.663 |
Kupang |
63.387 |
0.000 |
0.296 |
0.035 |
Kalimantan |
Pontianak |
34.502 |
0.001 |
0.032 |
0.824 |
Singkawang |
45.872 |
0.000 |
0.225 |
0.101 |
Sampit |
52.395 |
0.000 |
0.329 |
0.016 |
Palangkaraya |
80.801 |
0.000 |
0.246 |
0.073 |
Tanjung |
27.618 |
0.006 |
0.172 |
0.194 |
Banjarmasin |
87.189 |
0.000 |
0.321 |
0.022 |
Balikpapan |
36.693 |
0.000 |
0.158 |
0.260 |
Samarinda |
51.588 |
0.000 |
0.258 |
0.057 |
Tarakan |
24.010 |
0.020 |
0.264 |
0.061 |
Sulawesi |
Manado |
6.487 |
0.890 |
0.580 |
Palu |
41.871 |
0.000 |
0.004 |
0.977 |
Bulukumba |
22.071 |
0.037 |
0.184 |
0.190 |
Watampone |
14.167 |
0.290 |
0.036 |
0.802 |
Makassar |
15.815 |
0.200 |
0.119 |
0.398 |
53.812 |
0.000 |
0.272 |
0.055 |
Palopo |
27.943 |
0.006 |
0.032 |
0.813 |
Kendari |
21.780 |
0.04 |
0.205 |
0.150 |
30.515 |
0.002 |
0.025 |
0.856 |
Gorontalo |
24.767 |
0.016 |
0.361 |
Mamuju |
54.407 |
0.000 |
0.141 |
0.325 |
Ambon |
6.136 |
0.909 |
0.107 |
0.457 |
Tual |
15.262 |
0.227 |
0.067 |
0.654 |
Ternate |
12.735 |
0.389 |
0.267 |
Manokwari |
29.911 |
0.003 |
0.791 |
Sorong |
48.474 |
0.000 |
0.257 |
0.068 |
Merauke |
23.209 |
0.026 |
0.288 |
0.037 |
Jayapura |
19.478 |
0.078 |
0.166 |
414 |
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 22, Number 4, 2019 |
The persistence of the CPI is also confirmed by the panel unit root test results reported in Table 3. The results show that the idiosyncratic component (from Equation (1)) turns out to be stationary. These unit root tests are consistent with the theoretical expectations of Equation (1) (WRN, 2017). These statistical features suggest the following: (1)
Table 3.
Unit Root Test
In this table we report the ADF and IPS unit root test results for the estimated common and idiosyncratic components, respectively. Both tests allow for a constant and a liner trend in the estimated model.
Province/Region |
Component |
Test |
Value |
Sumatera |
Common |
DF |
>0.10 |
Idiosyncratic |
0.019 |
Java |
Common |
DF |
>0.10 |
Idiosyncratic |
0.053 |
Bali & Nusa |
Common |
DF |
>0.10 |
Tenggara |
Idiosyncratic |
0.018 |
Kalimantan |
Common |
DF |
>0.10 |
Idiosyncratic |
0.018 |
Sulawesi |
Common |
DF |
>0.10 |
Idiosyncratic |
0.038 |
Common |
DF |
>0.10 |
Idiosyncratic |
0.007 |
31 top cities |
Common |
DF |
>0.10 |
Idiosyncratic |
0.011 |
Table 4.
Price Discovery – By province/region
This table reports results from the price discovery test by province/region. The Information share is reported in column 2 and the factor loading is reported in column 3. The next three columns test the null hypothesis that the information share (price discovery) is equal to zero: the standard error (SE) of the test, its resulting
City |
π |
S.E |
Panel A: Sumatera |
Lubuk Linggau |
11.83% |
1.046 |
0.063 |
16.690 |
0.000 |
Bungo |
10.54% |
0.867 |
0.086 |
10.122 |
0.000 |
Padang Sidempuan |
8.58% |
0.975 |
0.062 |
15.781 |
0.000 |
Tanjung Pinang |
7.01% |
0.779 |
0.088 |
8.898 |
0.000 |
Banda Aceh |
6.12% |
0.783 |
0.067 |
11.606 |
0.000 |
Lhokseumawe |
6.09% |
0.936 |
0.111 |
8.440 |
0.000 |
Bengkulu |
5.97% |
1.167 |
0.092 |
12.698 |
0.000 |
Tembilahan |
5.36% |
0.855 |
0.083 |
10.248 |
0.000 |
Understanding Indonesia’s
Table 4.
Price Discovery – By province/region (Continued)
This table reports results from the price discovery test by province/region. The Information share is reported in column 2 and the factor loading is reported in column 3. The next three columns test the null hypothesis that the information share (price discovery) is equal to zero: the standard error (SE) of the test, its resulting
City |
π |
S.E |
Meulaboh |
5.18% |
0.808 |
0.089 |
9.114 |
0.000 |
Padang |
3.80% |
1.213 |
0.100 |
12.077 |
0.000 |
Pangkal Pinang |
3.67% |
1.202 |
0.174 |
6.896 |
0.000 |
Palembang |
3.22% |
0.837 |
0.063 |
13.289 |
0.000 |
Sibolga |
3.10% |
1.359 |
0.133 |
10.239 |
0.000 |
Batam |
2.96% |
0.930 |
0.075 |
12.378 |
0.000 |
Bukit Tinggi |
2.82% |
1.030 |
0.086 |
11.991 |
0.000 |
Medan |
2.69% |
1.002 |
0.084 |
11.871 |
0.000 |
Pematang Siantar |
2.58% |
0.898 |
0.092 |
9.783 |
0.000 |
Jambi |
2.09% |
1.087 |
0.083 |
13.109 |
0.000 |
Tanjung Pandan |
1.88% |
1.247 |
0.193 |
6.449 |
0.000 |
Pekanbaru |
1.84% |
0.850 |
0.071 |
11.893 |
0.000 |
Metro |
1.13% |
0.951 |
0.332 |
2.868 |
0.004 |
Bandar Lampung |
1.05% |
0.805 |
0.072 |
11.181 |
0.000 |
Dumai |
0.50% |
0.722 |
0.071 |
10.105 |
0.000 |
Panel B: Java |
Malang |
16.17% |
1.054 |
0.041 |
25.433 |
0.000 |
Sukabumi |
12.14% |
0.975 |
0.046 |
21.280 |
0.000 |
Cilacap |
7.05% |
1.072 |
0.063 |
17.137 |
0.000 |
Madiun |
6.22% |
0.958 |
0.038 |
25.526 |
0.000 |
Yogyakarta |
5.04% |
0.857 |
0.042 |
20.541 |
0.000 |
Semarang |
4.83% |
1.046 |
0.037 |
28.009 |
0.000 |
Kudus |
4.82% |
1.180 |
0.054 |
21.848 |
0.000 |
Sumenep |
4.62% |
0.978 |
0.044 |
22.043 |
0.000 |
Jakarta |
4.19% |
0.985 |
0.046 |
21.195 |
0.000 |
Bandung |
3.39% |
0.965 |
0.045 |
21.395 |
0.000 |
Depok |
3.39% |
1.016 |
0.046 |
21.925 |
0.000 |
Bekasi |
3.21% |
0.960 |
0.068 |
14.016 |
0.000 |
Cilegon |
3.20% |
1.253 |
0.091 |
13.762 |
0.000 |
Purwokerto |
2.83% |
0.999 |
0.050 |
20.096 |
0.000 |
Tegal |
2.56% |
0.952 |
0.061 |
15.510 |
0.000 |
Surabaya |
2.21% |
0.981 |
0.052 |
18.874 |
0.000 |
Tasikmalaya |
2.20% |
0.940 |
0.050 |
18.707 |
0.000 |
Cirebon |
2.19% |
0.793 |
0.062 |
12.852 |
0.000 |
Jember |
1.77% |
0.978 |
0.057 |
17.037 |
0.000 |
Probolinggo |
1.76% |
0.865 |
0.042 |
20.651 |
0.000 |
Banyuwangi |
1.59% |
0.893 |
0.052 |
17.290 |
0.000 |
Surakarta |
1.43% |
1.016 |
0.052 |
19.536 |
0.000 |
Serang |
1.12% |
1.170 |
0.131 |
8.906 |
0.000 |
Bogor |
1.03% |
0.927 |
0.069 |
13.362 |
0.000 |
416 |
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 22, Number 4, 2019 |
Table 4.
Price Discovery – By province/region (Continued)
This table reports results from the price discovery test by province/region. The Information share is reported in column 2 and the factor loading is reported in column 3. The next three columns test the null hypothesis that the information share (price discovery) is equal to zero: the standard error (SE) of the test, its resulting
City |
π |
S.E |
Kediri |
0.76% |
0.951 |
0.050 |
19.151 |
0.000 |
Tangerang |
0.27% |
0.993 |
0.202 |
4.929 |
0.000 |
Panel C: Bali & Nusa Tenggara |
Mataram |
43.46% |
0.867 |
0.076 |
11.377 |
0.000 |
Singaraja |
17.43% |
1.073 |
0.125 |
8.576 |
0.000 |
Bima |
16.73% |
0.925 |
0.117 |
7.892 |
0.000 |
Denpasar |
10.97% |
0.805 |
0.062 |
13.031 |
0.000 |
Maumere |
6.02% |
0.646 |
0.103 |
6.246 |
0.000 |
Kupang |
5.39% |
1.180 |
0.122 |
9.648 |
0.000 |
Panel D: Kalimantan |
Sampit |
23.97% |
0.918 |
0.072 |
12.722 |
0.000 |
Pontianak |
18.06% |
1.197 |
0.119 |
10.033 |
0.000 |
Palangkaraya |
11.75% |
0.784 |
0.072 |
10.919 |
0.000 |
Balikpapan |
11.39% |
1.063 |
0.092 |
11.571 |
0.000 |
Samarinda |
11.18% |
0.842 |
0.058 |
14.506 |
0.000 |
Tarakan |
8.50% |
1.074 |
0.093 |
11.527 |
0.000 |
Singkawang |
7.13% |
0.960 |
0.097 |
9.908 |
0.000 |
Tanjung |
6.19% |
0.993 |
0.107 |
9.263 |
0.000 |
Banjarmasin |
1.82% |
0.799 |
0.055 |
14.654 |
0.000 |
Panel E: Sulawesi |
Palu |
19.58% |
0.970 |
0.118 |
8.199 |
0.000 |
Palopo |
17.01% |
0.910 |
0.066 |
13.748 |
0.000 |
Gorontalo |
16.07% |
0.968 |
0.090 |
10.719 |
0.000 |
Manado |
9.62% |
1.016 |
0.132 |
7.710 |
0.000 |
Bulukumba |
9.08% |
0.963 |
0.073 |
13.205 |
0.000 |
7.19% |
1.022 |
0.073 |
13.981 |
0.000 |
Kendari |
6.56% |
1.051 |
0.097 |
10.816 |
0.000 |
Watampone |
5.62% |
0.826 |
0.071 |
11.672 |
0.000 |
4.70% |
1.152 |
0.146 |
7.879 |
0.000 |
Mamuju |
2.85% |
0.818 |
0.069 |
11.804 |
0.000 |
Makassar |
1.71% |
0.866 |
0.061 |
14.152 |
0.000 |
Panel F: |
Ternate |
30.96% |
0.826 |
0.141 |
5.875 |
0.000 |
Jayapura |
19.28% |
0.730 |
0.176 |
4.140 |
0.000 |
Ambon |
13.44% |
0.742 |
0.144 |
5.142 |
0.000 |
Tual |
11.81% |
1.236 |
0.280 |
4.420 |
0.000 |
Manokwari |
11.52% |
0.715 |
0.117 |
6.106 |
0.000 |
Merauke |
10.01% |
0.893 |
0.205 |
4.348 |
0.000 |
Sorong |
2.98% |
0.583 |
0.132 |
4.432 |
0.000 |
Understanding Indonesia’s
Figure 1.
Time Series CPI Index Returns
This figure plots the equally weight CPI returns for the top cities and
2.5 |
Sumatera |
2.0 |
1.5 |
1.0 |
0.5 |
0.0 |
2014:03 |
2014:12 |
2015:09 |
2016:06 |
2017:03 |
2017:12 |
2.5 |
Java |
2.0 |
1.5 |
1.0 |
0.5 |
0.0 |
2014:03 |
2014:12 |
2015:09 |
2016:06 |
2017:03 |
2017:12 |
418 |
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 22, Number 4, 2019 |
Figure 1.
Time Series CPI Index Returns (Continued)
Bali & Nusa Tenggara
2.8 |
2.4 |
2.0 |
1.6 |
1.2 |
0.8 |
0.4 |
0.0 |
2014:03 |
2014:12 |
2015:09 |
2016:06 |
2017:03 |
2017:12 |
2.5 |
Kalimantan |
2014:03 |
2014:12 |
2015:09 |
2016:06 |
2017:03 |
2017:12 |
Understanding Indonesia’s
Figure 1.
Time Series CPI Index Returns (Continued)
4 |
Sulawesi |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
2014:03 |
2014:12 |
2015:09 |
2016:06 |
2017:03 |
2017:12 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
2014:03 |
2014:12 |
2015:09 |
2016:06 |
2017:03 |
2017:12 |
420 |
Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 22, Number 4, 2019 |
We conclude with evidence of price discovery, that is, the relative importance of cities in the movement of prices in each of the six provinces. Of Sumatera’s 23 cities, nine alone contribute 66.7% to the price changes, and five cities contribute 44% to all price changes. Similarly, among Java’s 26 cities, nine contribute 65% to all price changes, with four contributing 41.6%. Even in smaller provinces, such as Bali and Nusa Tenggara, which have only five cities, one city alone contributes around 43% to all price changes. Across all six provinces, therefore, we identify a leader city and a group of cities that dominate the price changes. Our results imply that each province in Indonesia has between six and 26 cities, for a total of 82 cities. In controlling prices, given that the objective of Bank Indonesia, the central bank, is to maintain price stability,
To demonstrate their impact, we plot an
This paper aims to understand the CPI dynamics across Indonesian cities and provinces. A total of 82 cities belonging to six Indonesian provinces were analyzed to determine the leader cities, that is, those cities that contribute the most to the aggregate price changes for each province. Monthly time series data (2014M01 to 2018M04) were employed and the data fitted to a price discovery model that associates price changes with a common factor (i.e., the aggregate price change) and an idiosyncratic component of city price changes. A model based on the work of WRN paves the way for our empirical analysis. Simple characteristics of the CPI data for the sample of 82 cities indicate that
The main takeaway from our paper is that it determines which cities to target if the objective is to control prices (or achieve price stability) in each province. Better price control in these leader cities will allow for faster convergence to price stability.
As a natural extension of our paper, future research can investigate why those cities appear as price leaders and why the other cities in each province do not contribute much to the aggregate price change. While answers to these questions will offer insights on the characteristics of cities about which we do not commentate in this paper, these answers though are independent of our policy recommendation.
Understanding Indonesia’s
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Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 22, Number 4, 2019 |
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