Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2019), pp. 323 - 342
Susan Sunila Sharma1, Ferry Syarifuddin2
1Centre for Financial Econometrics, Deakin Business School, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Email: s.sharma@deakin.edu.au
2Bank Indonesia Institute, Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. Email: ferry.s@bi.go.id
Using monthly
Keywords: Income velocity of money; Unit root; Cointegration;
JEL Classification: E4; E5.
Article history: |
Received |
: September 15, 2018 |
Revised |
: January 5, 2019 |
Accepted |
: January 5, 2019 |
Available online : January 30, 2019
324Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
There is voluminous literature arguing that the change in velocity of money can be explained by the information contained in several types of macroeconomic and
The second strand of literature typically debates the possible factors that can explain the positive association between income per capita and the money-
One limitation of the extant literature on understanding the changes in income velocity is that it mostly focuses on the USA. There is limited attempt made to examine the determinants of income velocity of money in emerging and developing economies (see for instance, Akinlo, 2012; Okafor et al., 2013; Short, 2007; Altayee and Adam, 2013). The main motivation of our study is to fill this research gap.
Our paper, therefore, relates to the first strand of literature on income velocity of money. Our objective is to examine the determinants of income velocity of money in the case of Indonesia. An analysis on the determinants of income velocity of money is essential in the design of credible monetary policy in Indonesia. Understanding money velocity is important because it can offer valuable information for policy makers when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of monetary policy in the country (see for instance: Akinlo, 2012 and Okafor et al., 2013). As one of the fastest growing economies, Indonesia is currently facing several issues in the financial sector, such as financial innovation and a
In the pursuit of understanding the evolution of income velocity of money, we adopt the model proposed by McGibany and Nouraz (1985). More specifically, we regress income velocity of money on Indonesia’s industrial production, money
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demand, tax revenue, and
Three steps are implemented to achieve the paper’s aim. First, we examine the presence of unit root and search for structural breaks in the data. This is important because in a recent study, Sharma, Tobing, and Azwar (2018) show that almost all 33 Indonesian macroeconomic
Our work contributes to the literature that examines the determinants of income velocity of money (see, for example, Pierce and Thomson, 1972; Poole, 1970; McGibany and Nouraz, 1985; Bordo and Jonung, 1981, 1990; Bordo et al., 1993; Ireland, 1991). More specifically, our main contribution is directly to the literature testing and confirming that in the
It is worth noting that in prior literature, authors have generally used the OLS estimator to examine the determinants of income velocity of money. Here, we have performed a robustness check based on using multiple estimators. Moreover, we have used the ARDL bounds test for cointegration to examine long- run relationships among variables. The ARDL approach is ideal for our paper’s research question given that it allows variables to enter the model at any order of integration. In addition, our approach enables us to examine the determinants of income velocity of money in the short- as well as the
326Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
relatively more important is a significant result in motivating future studies not to ignore possible
Finally, another distinction between our paper and the literature is that we have considered structural breaks in our data and have modelled them. This is important given we are observing data over a period which has experienced several shocks, such as global financial crisis (GFC), as documented in Sharma et al. (2018). However, the effect of GFC on different countries varies and the speed at which the effect is felt is likely to be
The balance of the paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses data and methodology. We discuss our main findings in Section III and, in the final section, we provide concluding remarks.
A. Data
The data used in this study is partially adopted from Narayan, Narayan, Rahman, and Setiawan (2018). In particular, our data include monthly industrial production, real money demand (M1 and M2), velocity of M1 and M2 (which we refer to as V1 and V2, respectively), and
December 2017. The final chosen sample is dictated by data availability. All data
(except V1 and V2) are sourced from the Bloomberg database. Data on V1 and V2 are sourced from Bank Indonesia.
B. Methodology
The prior literature on the determinants of income velocity of money remains controversial. Therefore, before we propose our empirical model, we first provide a brief discussion of the theories that motivate the inclusion of variables we model. Understanding fluctuations of velocity is important because it enables us to gauge the role of money in business cycle formation. Jung (2017), for instance, documents that changes in the money stock are important sources of output fluctuations. He further explains that this view leads to the assumption that velocity is a stable
3There is no available monthly data on tax revenue for Indonesia, thus, we use linear interpolation method to convert tax revenue data from annual to monthly frequency. Linear interpolation is simply a method of curve fitting using a linear polynomial to construct new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points.
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function of macro variables, such as interest rates. In fact, income velocity of money is simply a ratio of real output to the stock of money. Thus, anything that affects real output and the stock of money (money demand) will have a direct effect on the income velocity of money. Therefore, McGibany and Nouraz (1985) explain that velocity of money is affected by cyclical and secular factors, in which GDP fluctuates over a business cycle. In other words, we may expect velocity to rise in expansions and fall in recessions (see Thornton, 1983).
Furthermore, McGibany and Nouraz (1985) also explain the inverse relationship between income velocity of money and stock of money (or money demand). In other words, it is expected that velocity will increase with the opportunity cost of holding money. Thus, we conclude that there is a direct relationship between the rate of interest and inflation and the velocity of money because the decision to hold money is simply affected by the expectations of future inflation and changes in interest rates. Tatom (1983) argues that changes in money demand may lead to a change in a country’s output with several periods of lags. This simply implies that changes in money demand in any period may produce less than a proportionate change in output in that period, which may lead to a decrease in velocity. Given these arguments, the prior literature includes some proxies for cyclical and secular factors (such as market interest rates, inflation rate, and changes in money stock) in modelling determinants of income velocity of money (see, for example, Tatom, 1983 and Thornton, 1983).
However, McGibany and Nouraz (1985) argue that most empirical models which include some or all the
“For any given level of national income, disposable personal income increases as taxes are reduced. This results in an increase in consumption demand which, in turn, leads to an increase in demand for transactions balances. Nor is businesses’ demand for money independent of taxes. For example, consider a reduction in corporate taxes. Then, as Holmes and Smyth (1972) have pointed out, the equilibrium rate of return before taxes must fall, a fact which is normally associated with an increase in capital investment. As a result, businesses’ demand for money, which is dependent on capital outlays, will increase. Therefore, the public’s demand for transactions balances is inversely related to income taxes. Thus, in the short run, for a given level of national income and rate of interest, a reduction in taxes results in a decrease in the velocity of money” (McGibany and Nouraz, 1985, p. 526).
Therefore, in order to examine the determinants of income velocity of money for Indonesia, we follow McGibany and Nouraz (1985) and employ the following regression model:
Here, we use two proxies for income velocity of money (V1 and V2, denoted V). The income velocity of money is constructed using the traditional framework
328Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
of the quantity theory of money under which the circulation of money (MV) depends on its demand covering all transactions in an economy (PY) and is represented by MV=PY. In this relation, M is the nominal money supply defiined as M1 (or M2); V is velocity; P is prices and Y is real output. This means that V=PY⁄M. Additionally, Rev denotes revenue from Indonesia’s government tax; IR denotes
B.II. Cointegration
To test for a
All the variables used in Equation (2) are defined as in Equation (1). A long- run relationship can be tested using the
This section is organised into three parts. In the first part, we discuss some key statistical features of the data. The second part of the results explains the findings from the ARDL bounds test for cointegration. In the final part of this section, we discuss results from
A. Preliminary Results
We begin by discussing the common descriptive statistics of all variables, namely lnV1, lnV2, lnIP, LnM1, lnM2, lnM1IR,lnM3IR, and lnRev (see Table 1). Skewness and kurtosis statistics suggest a
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329 |
we conduct the
Table 1.
Descriptive Statistics
This table reports selective descriptive statistics for two proxies of income velocity of money (lnV1 and lnV2), two proxies for money demand (lnM1 and lnM2), two proxies for
Variables |
Mean |
Maximum |
Minimum |
SD |
Skewness |
Kurtosis |
lnV1 |
0.1202 |
0.0857 |
0.0688 |
2.5743 |
1.7099 |
0.4253 |
lnV2 |
0.1253 |
2.5430 |
6.4674 |
0.0394 |
lnIP |
33.2766 |
33.9068 |
32.7187 |
0.3129 |
0.7420 |
2.2881 |
23.1381 |
0.0000 |
lnM1 |
13.0420 |
14.1454 |
11.8869 |
0.6696 |
1.6991 |
14.8416 |
0.0006 |
lnM2 |
14.4860 |
15.5055 |
13.5127 |
0.6317 |
0.0431 |
1.5983 |
16.8464 |
0.0002 |
lnM1IR |
2.0899 |
2.8821 |
1.3825 |
0.3685 |
0.4670 |
2.5970 |
8.8398 |
0.0120 |
lnM3IR |
2.0896 |
2.8834 |
1.3825 |
0.3686 |
0.4677 |
2.5948 |
8.8755 |
0.0118 |
lnREV |
12.5039 |
13.4094 |
10.9521 |
0.6900 |
1.8962 |
16.3923 |
0.0003 |
Next, we also examine the presence of unit roots in all variables. Even though the bounds test for cointegration does not require
330Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
Table 2.
Unit Root Test Results
In Panel A of this table, we report Augmented
Panel A: ADF unit root test
Variables |
Variables |
lnV1 |
∆lnV1 |
lnV2 |
∆lnV2 |
lnIP |
∆lnIP |
lnM1 |
∆lnM1 |
lnM2 |
∆lnM2 |
lnM1IR |
∆lnM1IR |
lnM3IR |
∆lnM3IR |
lnREV |
∆lnREV |
Panel B: NP structural break unit root test |
Second |
Break fraction |
UR |
Lag |
Variables |
First break |
coefficient |
break |
λ1 |
λ2 |
length |
lnV1 |
2012M12 |
2014M06 |
0.6973*** |
0.786*** |
7 |
[3.786] |
[3.862] |
lnV2 |
2012M12 |
2014M06 |
0.6767*** |
0.7906*** |
7 |
[3.664] |
[3.886] |
lnIP |
2012M12 |
2014M06 |
0.7192*** |
0.7989*** |
7 |
[3.848] |
[3.869] |
lnM1 |
2011M06 |
2012M12 |
0.7036*** |
0.7879*** |
7 |
[3.824] |
[3.882] |
lnM2 |
2012M12 |
2014M06 |
0.6939*** |
0.7872*** |
7 |
[3.786] |
[3.888] |
lnM1IR |
2008M06 |
2012M12 |
0.9060*** |
0.8365*** |
7 |
[4.574] |
[4.196] |
lnM3IR |
2008M06 |
2012M12 |
0.9057 |
0.8365*** |
7 |
[4.571] |
[4.195] |
lnREV |
2012M12 |
2014M06 |
0.6950*** |
0.8004*** |
7 |
[3.782] |
[3.943] |
Determinants of Indonesia’s Income Velocity of Money |
331 |
Furthermore, one of the main concerns in this paper is with the implications of the presence of structural breaks in Indonesia’s macroeconomic data. This has roots in the work of Sharma et al. (2018), who examine the unit root properties of Indonesia’s 33 macroeconomic data series at both the annual and monthly frequencies. They provide mixed evidence of the presence of unit roots and document that almost all macroeconomic data suffer from structural breaks. Thus, we follow their work and examine the presence of two endogenous breaks using the widely used Narayan and Popp (NP, 2010)4 structural break unit root test and report results in Panel B of Table 2. Overall, our results imply that that two significant structural breaks characterize our data series. The two common significant break dates obtained are December 2012 and June 2014.
The first structural break (December 2012) is associated with the combined effects of the turbulence in the Indonesian financial market and weakening trade performance. As China’s economy deteriorated due to the contraction in global commodity prices, the value of Indonesia’s exports declined, particularly from
B. Cointegration
The results of the bounds cointegration test are summarised in Table 3. We follow Equation (2), where each variable in the Equation (1) is taken as a dependent variable in the calculation of the
4More details on this method can be found in Monte Carlo results presented in NP (2013).
332Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
Table 3.
ARDL Bound Test Results for Cointegration
This table reports the ARDL bound test results for cointegration. The ARDL model is:
∆lnVt=α +
The bounds cointegration test is examined by considering all variables as a dependent variable one at a time within the above ARDL specification. This results in 32 models as noted in column 1 and the ARDL model specification is provided in column 2. We use the Akaike Information Criterion to choose the optimal lags of variables which enter the ARDL specification. We start with a maximum of three lags for the dependent as well as all independent variables. We use the
Model |
Model Specification |
ARDL Order |
1 |
ARDL (3,1,3,3,1) |
2.3401 |
2 |
ARDL (3,1,3,3,1) |
2.3271 |
3 |
ARDL (2,1,1,2,2) |
3.5176* |
4 |
ARDL (2,1,1,2,2) |
3.5045* |
5 |
ARDL (3,1,1,3,3) |
1.2255 |
6 |
ARDL (3,1,1,3,3) |
1.2307 |
7 |
ARDL (3,1,1,3,1) |
1.9208 |
8 |
ARDL (3,1,1,3,1) |
1.9215 |
9 |
ARDL (3,1,3,3,1) |
1.963 |
10 |
ARDL (3,1,3,3,1) |
1.9519 |
11 |
ARDL (3,1,1,3,1) |
2.1097 |
12 |
ARDL (3,1,1,3,1) |
2.1093 |
13 |
ARDL (2,1,1,2,1) |
4.6845** |
14 |
ARDL (2,1,1,2,1) |
4.6896** |
15 |
ARDL (3,1,1,3,1) |
3.3443 |
16 |
ARDL (3,1,1,3,1) |
3.3427 |
17 |
ARDL (1,1,1,1,1) |
2.2375 |
18 |
ARDL (1,1,1,1,1) |
2.2395 |
19 |
ARDL (1,1,1,1,1) |
3.4478 |
20 |
ARDL (1,1,1,1,1) |
3.4486 |
21 |
ARDL (1,1,1,1,1) |
1.7956 |
22 |
ARDL (1,1,1,1,1) |
1.7957 |
23 |
ARDL (1,1,1,1,1) |
2.1306 |
24 |
ARDL (1,1,1,1,1) |
2.1277 |
25 |
ARDL (2,3,1,2,1) |
1.8806 |
26 |
ARDL (2,3,1,2,1) |
1.8842 |
27 |
ARDL (2,3,1,2,1) |
2.1377 |
28 |
ARDL (2,3,1,2,1) |
2.1419 |
29 |
ARDL (2,1,1,3,1) |
1.8746 |
30 |
ARDL (2,1,1,3,1) |
1.877 |
31 |
ARDL (2,3,1,2,1) |
2.1563 |
32 |
ARDL (2,3,1,2,1) |
2.1583 |
Determinants of Indonesia’s Income Velocity of Money |
333 |
We find significant evidence of cointegration only in four out of 32 model specifications. These are models
Thus, overall, our results imply that there exists a
This section’s main objective is to examine the short– and
Table 4.
In this table, we report results for the
of |
three leads and three lags of the first difference cointegrating variables in the following |
10% levels, respectively. |
. Finally, ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and |
Panel A: OLS Estimators |
Model |
Dependent |
lnRev |
lnM1IR |
lnM3IR |
lnM2 |
lnIP |
Variable |
3 |
lnV1 |
0.2989*** |
0.0884*** |
- |
lnV1 |
[0.0002] |
[0.0001] |
[0.1251] |
[0.0002] |
4 |
0.2989*** |
- |
0.0879*** |
[0.0002] |
[0.0001] |
[0.1245] |
[0.0003] |
334Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
Table 4.
Panel B: DOLS Estimators
Model |
Dependent |
lnRev |
lnM1IR |
lnM3IR |
lnM2 |
lnIP |
Variable |
3 |
lnV1 |
0.3099*** |
0.0947*** |
- |
lnV1 |
[0.0011] |
[0.0013] |
[0.2961] |
[0.0008] |
4 |
0.3099*** |
- |
0.0947*** |
[0.0011] |
[0.0031] |
[0.2954] |
[0.0008] |
Panel C: Robust LS Estimators |
3 |
lnV1 |
0.3171*** |
0.0937** |
- |
lnV1 |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0028] |
[0.0000] |
4 |
0.3168*** |
- |
0.0935*** |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0028] |
[0.0000] |
Additionally, for robustness check, we consider two other
Next, we examine
5.To understand this, consider, for instance, results reported in column 2: here, we follow the ARDL lag order of (3,0,0,3,1) for variables ∆lnV1, ∆lnRev, ∆lnM1IR,
∆lnM1, and ∆lnIP, respectively.
Now, we discuss results from Panel A for the four ARDL models where we consider ∆lnV1 as a dependent variable. Results reported in columns 2 and 3 indicate that all three lags of the dependent variable, ∆lnV1, contemporaneously, as well as all three lags of ∆lnM1 have statistically significant effects on ∆lnV1. Additionally, we find that in the
Table 5.
This table reports results for the
Panel A: Dependent Variable is ∆lnV1 |
Panel B: Dependent Variable is ∆lnV2 |
(3,0,0,3,1) |
(3,0,0,3,1) |
(0,0,1,3,3) |
(0,0,1,3,3) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
(3,1,0,3,1) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
Indonesia’s of Determinants
- |
- |
0.5559*** |
0.5559*** |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
0.2200*** |
0.2198*** |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
- |
- |
∆lnRevt |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
∆lnRevt |
0.2208* |
0.2208* |
0.3812 |
0.3649 |
[0.0876] |
[0.1083] |
[0.1502] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
∆lnM1IRt |
0.0124 |
- |
0.0269 |
- |
∆lnM1IRt |
[0.3188] |
[0.1421] |
- |
- |
0.0766** |
- |
∆lnM3IRt |
[0.0245] |
∆lnM3IRt |
- |
0.0124 |
- |
[0.3177] |
[0.3227] |
- |
- |
- |
0.0733** |
∆lnM1t |
[0.0272] |
∆lnM1t |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
0.6529*** |
0.6529*** |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.3695*** |
0.3697*** |
0.5525*** |
0.5525*** |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
0.2363*** |
0.2368*** |
0.2361*** |
0.2358*** |
[0.0005] |
[0.0005] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
1.1735** |
1.1803** |
2.2008** |
0.7258** |
[0.0261] |
[0.0253] |
[0.0290] |
[0.0288] |
[0.0330] |
[0.0324] |
[0.0776] |
[0.0773] |
- |
0.0081 |
- |
[0.3586] |
[0.5232] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.0081 |
[0.3118] |
[0.5221] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0.1740*** |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
0.1740*** |
0.1743*** |
- |
- |
[0.0002] |
[0.0002] |
Money of Velocity Income
Table 5.
Panel A: Dependent Variable is ∆lnV1 |
Panel B: Dependent Variable is ∆lnV2 |
(3,0,0,3,1) |
(3,0,0,3,1) |
(0,0,1,3,3) |
(0,0,1,3,3) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
(3,1,0,3,1) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
0.2325*** |
0.2323*** |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
- |
- |
∆lnM2t |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
∆lnM2t |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
- |
- |
0.2806** |
0.2819** |
[0.0241] |
[0.0232] |
- |
- |
0.3535*** |
0.3555*** |
[0.0038] |
[0.0036] |
- |
- |
0.3131*** |
0.3124*** |
∆lnIPt |
[0.0061] |
[0.0063] |
∆lnIPt |
0.0395 |
0.0392 |
[0.4164] |
[0.4176] |
[0.2301] |
[0.2366] |
[0.0788] |
[0.0776] |
[0.0678] |
[0.0682] |
- |
- |
[0.0027] |
[0.0028] |
- |
- |
[0.0090] |
[0.0088] |
0.1138** |
0.1142** |
- |
- |
[0.0174] |
[0.0169] |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
- |
0.6748*** |
0.6748*** |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
- |
0.2416*** |
0.2413*** |
[0.0006] |
[0.0006] |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.1625] |
[0.1621] |
[0.1968] |
[0.1970] |
- |
- |
[0.0086] |
[0.0085] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2019 January 3, Number 21, Volume Banking, and Economics Monetary of Bulletin
Determinants of Indonesia’s Income Velocity of Money |
337 |
The magnitude of the ECM term suggests that a deviation from the equilibrium level of lnV1 during the current period will be corrected by 10% in the next period. Moreover, we also find that the contemporaneous effect and all
Our next set of results occupy Panel B, where we consider ∆lnV2 as a dependent variable. Once again, we estimate four ARDL models, however, for none of these models we consider and ECM term because we did not find cointegration for these model specifications. Our results are somewhat consistent with what we discussed earlier. First, we note that irrespective of the model specification, all three lags of the dependent variable as well as the contemporaneous and all three lags of money demand (∆lnM1 and ∆lnM2) are statistically significant in the
The overall observation from our analysis is that there is strong evidence in support of money demand and tax revenue as significant determinants of income velocity of money. We also conclude that in
It is crucial to consider robustness checks of our findings. To do so, we have simply included two structural break dummy variables in our
Table 6.
Robustness Check for
In this table, we report results for robustness checks of
Panel A: Dependent Variable is ∆lnV1 |
Panel B: Dependent Variable is ∆lnV2 |
(3,0,0,3,1) |
(3,0,0,3,1) |
(0,0,1,3,3) |
(0,0,1,3,3) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
(3,1,0,3,1) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
[0.0080] |
[0.0079] |
0.5569*** |
0.5569*** |
- |
- |
0.3694*** |
0.3695*** |
0.5529*** |
0.5462*** |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
0.2173*** |
0.2171*** |
- |
- |
0.2355*** |
0.2361*** |
0.2342*** |
0.2234*** |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0009] |
[0.0009] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
0.2205* |
0.2205* |
0.3583 |
0.3567 |
1.1747** |
1.1814** |
0.7263** |
0.6136* |
[0.0901] |
[0.0898] |
[0.1612] |
[0.1623] |
[0.0265] |
[0.0258] |
[0.0298] |
[0.0990] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
[0.0337] |
[0.0331] |
[0.0790] |
[0.2166] |
0.0125 |
- |
- |
- |
0.0082 |
- |
[0.3167] |
[0.2710] |
[0.3714] |
[0.5181] |
- |
- |
0.0763** |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
[0.0255] |
- |
0.0125 |
- |
- |
- |
0.0064 |
[0.3155] |
[0.3343] |
[0.3240] |
[0.6147] |
- |
- |
- |
0.0729** |
- |
- |
- |
- |
[0.0282] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
0.6543*** |
0.6543*** |
- |
- |
0.1732*** |
0.1735*** |
- |
- |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0003] |
[0.0003] |
2019 January 3, Number 21, Volume Banking, and Economics Monetary of Bulletin
Table 6.
Robustness Check for
Panel A: Dependent Variable is ∆lnV1 |
Panel B: Dependent Variable is ∆lnV2 |
(3,0,0,3,1) |
(3,0,0,3,1) |
(0,0,1,3,3) |
(0,0,1,3,3) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
(3,1,0,3,1) |
(3,1,0,3,0) |
0.2294*** |
0.2292*** |
- |
- |
0.1125** |
0.1129** |
- |
- |
[0.0001] |
[0.0001] |
[0.0238] |
[0.0231] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
[0.000] |
[0.000] |
[0.000] |
[0.000] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
[0.000] |
[0.000] |
[0.000] |
[0.000] |
- |
- |
0.2833** |
0.2846** |
- |
- |
0.6754*** |
0.6376*** |
[0.0237] |
[0.0229] |
[0.000] |
[0.000] |
- |
- |
0.3556*** |
0.3576*** |
- |
- |
0.2397*** |
0.2201*** |
[0.0038] |
[0.0036] |
[0.0008] |
[0.0005] |
- |
- |
0.3111*** |
0.3103*** |
- |
- |
[0.0066] |
[0.0068] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
0.0395 |
0.0392 |
[0.4216] |
[0.4229] |
[0.2314] |
[0.2378] |
[0.1647] |
[0.1643] |
[0.1988] |
[0.6222] |
- |
- |
- |
[0.0794] |
[0.0782] |
[0.0706] |
[0.0709] |
[0.0088] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
[0.0036] |
[0.0038] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
D1 |
[0.0132] |
[0.0130] |
D1 |
D2 |
[0.3092] |
[0.3074] |
[0.0490] |
[0.0464] |
D2 |
[0.894] |
[0.9117] |
[0.4199] |
[0.8675] |
0.0049*** |
0.0049*** |
0.0001 |
[0.5723] |
[0.5751] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0000] |
[0.0065] |
[0.0072] |
[0.8945] |
[0.7950] |
Money of Velocity Income Indonesia’s of Determinants
340Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
This paper examines the determinants of income velocity of money for Indonesia. We use monthly
Our findings are as follows. (1) We find some evidence of cointegration between income velocity of money and the other four variables (industrial production, tax revenue, money demand (only M2), and
The policy implications are obvious from our research. The income velocity of money demonstrates the rate at which money in circulation is used for transactions in the economy. The income velocity of money is used by investors to judge the investment potential of an economy. We know from our work that tax revenue,
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342Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Volume 21, Number 3, January 2019
Table A.
Data Definition and Source
This table describes each variable, its calculation (where applicable), frequency, and its source.
Variable |
Definition |
Authors |
Frequency |
Source |
Calculation |
Income velocity of |
M1 and M2. Here, |
M1 represents |
nominal money |
lnV1 and lnV2 |
supply which |
lnV1=log(PY/M1) |
is money in |
Monthly |
Bloomberg |
lnV2=log(PY/M2) |
circulation and |
demand deposits |
and M2 is simply |
M1 plus time |
deposit. |
lnM1 and lnM2 |
Demand for Money |
lnM1=log(M1) |
Monthly |
Bloomberg |
(M1 and M2) |
lnM2=log(M2) |
lnIP |
Industrial |
lnIP=log(IP) |
Monthly |
Bloomberg |
production (IP) |
lnM1IR and |
lnM1IR=log(M1IR) |
and |
Monthly |
Bloomberg |
lnM3IR |
(M3IR) interbank |
lnM3IR=log(M3IR) |
rates. |
Revenue from |
lnRev |
Indonesia’s |
lnRev=log(Rev) |
Annual |
Bloomberg |
government tax |
(Rev). |